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RedX Research hereby declares that its academic programs and associated activities function autonomously and are not affiliated with any educational institutions linked to the program's faculty members. In essence, we are aligned with the professors rather than the universities themselves.


Participation in the Program:

(a) Participation does not confer academic credit at Professors' primary institutions.


(b) Attendance and achievement will not be recorded on any official transcript issued by the Professors' primary institutions.


(c) The issuance of a letter of recommendation by the Professor is contingent upon the student meeting prescribed academic standards (in their research submissions). In the RedX 2023 cohort, 87.8% of students met these standards. The letter of recommendation is rooted primarily in the quality of your research submission (the framework that we use to determine the quality of your research submission will be made avilable after enrollment). Other accounted facets are class engagement (asking questions, contributing ideas, adding to the ideas of other students) and class attendance.

​It must be noted that RedX Research is not a marketplace for reference letters. As a company with some of the world's best professors on board, we strive to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. As such, your reference letters are not materials of puffery, praise or exaggeration ─ they will only reflect your current and future potential as a student.


(d) Enrollment in our program(s) does not guarantee admission to the Professors' primary institutions.


Regarding papers or projects as a part of our programs:

(a) Paper publication is optional and may incur additional costs.
The publication of a research papers is subject to various factors, including research quality, completion, originality of thesis, timely submission, and commitment to the research program itself. Our partner journals are highly selective. As a result, we are unable to guarantee that your research paper will be accepted. In the 2023 cohort, 43% of students who sought to publish their research papers were successful in so doing.


(b) Participants are required to independently complete their papers.

RedX Professors will certainly offer guidance and direction within the scope of your specific research interest; however, this assistance should not be  construed as a formulation of your complete research thesis. Essentially, we teach you how to fish but do not catch the fish for you. We have, from our inception, strongly encouraged students to employ their own critical thinking and logical reasoning abilities to substantiate and undergird their findings to arrive at a convincing conclusion.


(c) Under no circumstances do we render ghostwriting services (having someone else write the paper for you) or services to that effect that contravene putative academic integrity.

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